Before the Holy Spirit can truly live inside of you... you have to do some earth shattering self discovery and get real with yourself. You have to be willing to look at the ugliest parts of yourself... the person you are to the world and the person you are when you are all alone. You have to really look at all those choices you have made to be unkind to yourself or others. You can not leave anything out. You have to go full force into yourself and examine every cell, thought, words spoken, bad behaviors and truly own every damaged part of yourself that you damaged unto others or they have damaged unto you. You have to fully surrender! You can not leave one speck unturned! You have to go to the Heavenly Father and admit wrong doing that you have ever done to another human being; place or thing. The Holy Spirit wants you to truly know him and to know the tricks of the adversaries in and of your life... You have to put on the whole armour of Our Lord.
When you live in the ways of the world and you live according to the purpose of the worldly influences; troubles will not inflict your life; as is does being a follower of Christ! Being a follower of Christ means you have to be convicted, accountable and have a conscious for all of the wrong you have inflicted upon your life or upon the lives of others.... Living in the world keeps you in a fog that you don't see any wrong with your actions or the pain you inflict upon others. This is how you start to discern and break free from bondages... When you try to break free from the things that bind you to the world more troubles will come upon your way... It is though you have two people living inside of you... One that knows right and one that knows wrong.... In your soul you want to be free but that freedom comes with a cost....The work it takes is a long and troubled road... Searching every inner most part of yourself of they why's, who and how you got to where you are today.... You have to meat yourself all they way... all the good and ugly. You have to remember you are not only facing the troubles you have had in this life... you are also facing the bondage of your ancestors... If you weren't raised ideally and any worldly influences that were over your parents, grandparents, great grandparents and so forth have left an imprint on your path of existence. When they were unable to overcome the obstacles that were presented to them... they carried that pain within them that overflows into your life.... You aren't them and they aren't you... I know it is a hard fact to face but the tools your ancestors were given may not have been the best... When you look at every person in your life... know trouble waters and storms come upon us all...But you have to look into you and make you better; despite what has been passed to you along the way. I lived in bondage of my past, my parents past and the pain of my ancestors that stifled the direction of the life I always desired for myself... I made so many wrong choices, I made so many bad decisions because of the pain that was inflicted upon me through the pain of others... Meet yourself where you are today... Forgive yourself... forgive the people who have done you wrong and let it all go... If Judas Iscariot could betray Jesus; what makes you think that the people closest to you couldn't betray you... Take up the cross and leave the burdens of the world.... meet yourself where you are today and surrender to the old you and the bondage of your ancestors.
Have you ever woke up one day and really looked at every person, place and thing that has surrounded your existence? Do the people, places or things align with the direction you have chosen for you life or are choosing for your life? Has your identity been stolen? Have there been parts of yourself that have died and not for the better good? Has your internal being been destroyed by the people, places and things you encounter on a daily? If you question any of these things you have had evil entities surrounding your daily life... Look back into your first memory or even those things within your ancestry and find the source of where the destruction came upon your life or your families genealogy. You will begin to see a pattern that there has been a host of; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envying's, murders, drunkenness, raveling's of the sin ruining through your bloodline.... This is where the parasites host and feed off of your soul.... Through the works of the flesh those things steal your and the love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance of your life....I can attest that every one of those works of the flesh has generated down my bloodline from the beginning of time... I have fought long and hard trying to master the fruit of the spirit... along the way; when I thought I had mastered those things someone or something would come into my life that took me off course. No matter how strong you believe you are... no matter how good of a person you are.... believe me when you try to save others they will steal, kill and destroy what you have mastered. I always believed in good intentions of people but I realized that everyone is fighting their own demons and if those demons are not abolished they will leach onto you and host off of your light... I will use a moth for example... When it is dark outside and you turn the switch of a light on ...all the moths fly to it... they want it and crave it because they can see once more... There are people that are like that...they will crave what you are... they will crave that you have opened your eyes and are no longer blinded by the darkness... but if you are not careful they will take you back into the darkness of despair and break your wings.... It doesn't happen with the flip of a switch... slowing the works of the flesh will enter your life and before you know it the fruit of the spirit has lost its sweetness.... much love from my heart to yours....
August 2022