There is something exhilarating about when a plan goes up in the air... I always feel the freedom of my soul entering into another atmosphere; almost the same as when I get on a rollercoaster that brings so much excitement to my soul. The best parts of life are being free. The feeling of just being able to breathe without anyone or anything holding you back. I had a very interesting conversation with a gentleman on my way back home on my flight. The man and I spoke about our dreams, relationships and a little about our lives. He owned a gym and he told me his passion has always been helping others live their best lives and he is very passionate about children. We both shared the same depth of what it means to give back to a world of those who feel helpless. He was telling me about all of his wishes in life and he was comparing himself to his friend that was living the high life. I shared with him my faith and what it really means to be living in the world we are today.... Life is not about things... Life is about leaving things behind and finding our true calling. It is what drives our soul. I shared with him some scripture verses, my life story, laughter and shared a few tears. As we existed the plane... he walked with me and thanked me for reminding him to keep in pursuit of his Faith something that he almost forgot carried him to where he is to this very day... where he is in life... He smiled at me and said, " Brandi, Don't you ever lose your Faith you just restored mine!" That gentleman had no idea how much I needed to hear someone speak such kindness over me that day... Why being kind to others is the only option... no matter how far we go... we can never forget what blocks built us to help us rise to the top! The cornerstone of who we are can never be demolished even if we have to rebuild one block at a time... life may be a rollercoaster full of highs and lows... freedom and exhilaration is found when we put our hands up in the air....
There are some people in your life that would travel the globe for you and then there are those that won't even drive a mile for you... There are people in your life that are your soul family... those people in your life that just get you! Those that you share your greatest accomplishments with and your deepest sorrows... There are people that value your every essence of your being... that allow you to be real, imperfect, quirky, goofy, spiritual and can laugh or cry for hours together... happy tears or sad tears and never any judgement... You help each other rise and never let each other fall! You climb the highest mountains and remind each other that it takes one step at a time to reach the top... looking backwards is never an is to flying to the highest elevation and always remain grounded! You can never place a price tag on authenticity... You have those people in your life that help you rise when you are at the lowest points of your life and never leave you to your own demise. You have the kind of people who understand the sadness in your eyes and the silence in your screams! You have the kind of people that will carry you when you forget to breathe... You have some people in your life that will lift one arm and help you lift the other.. I will never forget the people who have truly had my best interest at heart... I will never forget the people who didn't feed me to the wolves.... I will never forget those that wiped the tears from my eyes... I will never forget the people who tried to help me heal wounds.... those are truly people who have an anointing and to them I will always be grateful... While I healed and found me again... they loved every broken pieces that put me where I am today.... free from the past.....
Tonight, I was sitting outside on this beautiful fall evening and it was the most peaceful and amazing feeling. When I looked up to the sky I could see the moon shining brightly behind the clouds. The clouds were moving with a special delicacy. I could hear the tree branches swaying and the wind flowing between the leaves; the sound reminds me of ocean waves... ever so magical and peaceful! The peace and sounds of mother nature echoing in my ears and reaching my soul was amazing! This is the kind of peace we should all acquire to have on a daily basis. There will be moments in time that you will feel disconnected and not in touch with yourself but you have to go to a clear space and take in the most simple pleasures. Exhale and Inhale the the stars that light up your sight... The glowing of the moon and the the twinkles in the sky are like the sparkle that is inside of you...
I love the freshness of the cool morning air... I can hear the wind briskly cascading through the trees with the crickets chirping in the background... As we all rise and wake on this beautiful morning..take in a deep breath of the cleansing cool air and know the seasons change to shed away things that aren't going to help you to continue to grow... A tree will never grow or strengthen without shedding the leaves of the past season... Sometimes we hibernate to be filled with the true nutrition of life...expand and ground your roots in fertile soil so next year your branches and leaves flourish into the next season of your life
.from my heart to yours My whole life I have had vision and dreams and at times they can be blessings and curses! It can be hard when trying to explain to people about having premonitions and vision. When one is connected to the Holy Spirit he reveals things about people, places and things can be very overwhelming at times. God opens your heart to see things as they truly are and not to be mislead by the evil that represents itself in your daily life. I have shared my visions with people my entire life. When you are full of the Holy Spirit the enemy tries to derail your life in any fashion that he can. I understand what it means to be evenly yoked more so now more than ever. Not many of the relationships that I have had in my life have been ordained by God. A man of God would honor a woman of Christ and one that prays for him and him for her. As well, as your daily relationships and friendships will foster a prayerful life. I realize that many people have been imposters in my life; when all I desired was to facilitate growth. Being a friend to the world is no friend of mine and it took me many years, trials and tribulations to come to this truth. I have helped many people at their lowest points in their lives while they have left me to fin for myself and to treat me poorly. This is how I know they are not of God or were of God. I have shared my visions with some of my most trusted people and they turned on me. It is strange how people know that you see things, have visions, dreams and they will betray you but when your are chosen by God; he reveals the things people do to you in the dark. For this... I am grateful that I see things clearly through God's eyes. I thought I could save so many people; maybe in some essence I did help them out on their journey to open their eyes. I have to rejoice in knowing that maybe through me I did help shine a little light unto their path. For this now; I truly have been testing the spirits; as Christ had told us to do. I see now more than ever my visions are unfolding quicker and quicker. I see now people will betray a brother and not truly be who they say they are. This my friends is the world we live in and it's coming on worse. To be a friend of the World or to be a son or daughter of God is what you will have to choose. I tried to warn those closest to me but they chose the world over the truth I have known. I have tried to help people choose the narrow path but their path took me to open wide gates. I have seen the closest people to me turn on me and help a complete stranger more than they would help me. If people claim to love you and believe in you; you will see by their actions of how much value you really have in their lives. Most people will choose the world over you and those are not your people. God's chosen people would not and will not cause harm to you intentionally... Don't lose yourself in the fight ahead... Live with integrity, loyalty and love....In Jesus name from my heart to yours....
August 2022