Through the valley and in the midst of hiking up the treacherous mountain tops... you keep on going because at the see through the lens of your life... standing serene and free... at the top of the mountain you see how far you have climbed...Your path may different and some may have it easier... but remember nobody knows how many obstacles you had to overcome...Nobody knows what it took just to become you! Your journey may look easier to others but nobody know what snakes, bears or wolves you overcame... keep hiking...keep believing... keep overcoming each day and make it to the top of the mountain... don't remain in the valley... much love from my heart to yours.
No matter where you are in your walk…. there is a destination. Design your trail with the imaginations that exist within your mind. Be mindful to plant non poisonous vegetation or you will fall into a vegetative state of being. Plant a garden along your path full of vivacious and flourishing beauty... Use color to paint your yellow brick road so you don't deter to a destination that will alter your vision. Remember some beautiful plants aren't what they seem. If you eat from the wrong flower or fruit... it could be the death of you and your path will never be paved with your garden... full of your visional beauty... much love from my heart to yours
August 2022