The world has become a very unfamiliar place for many but not an unfamiliar place for myself. I have always felt as though I lived in a twilight zone, matrix world, the land of enchantment or like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.. Chaos has surrounded my life from the time I was in my Mother's womb; as it has for so many of us. For some reason I have always known my journey would help others upon their guided or misguided path of existence. When we feel like we are in a whirlwind of hell; we must persevere... at all costs and click our shoes to wake from a bad dream. You have been in a dream state that others have manifested for your existence. Starting from the time you were adjoined together... sperm that infiltrated the egg.... that grew into the tiny embryo and into the person you have become to this day. Every connection you have made began from the place within your mothers womb. Within your mothers womb you started connecting to the energies that would align you for your purpose. You began to vibrate along with the beats and music that were being played all around you. The songs, the rhythms and the words people speak and have spoke over you affected the vibrations that your soul attuned to; whether it had been positive or negative. For the person whom has felt so overwhelmingly broken... I can attest that you can pick up the shattered pieces and put them back together one by one. It will not be easy but you have to desire change. The change starts with you.
Please reach into the core of your being. You know yourself very well! You know the good that resides within your internal vessel, the hurt, your pain, what makes you feel alive, the beauty, your true character and your truth. Remember, where ever you place your heart strings is where you will find your passions. Think of yourself as a box filled with puzzle pieces. You have to tear that box open and begin to build piece by piece and one by one . It is time for you to go back into the womb and start from the beginning; recreate yourself limb by limb, nerve by nerve until you heart begins to beat to the beautiful melody you wish to hear. When going back to the beginning fill yourself with love and light.... Please don't be afraid to uncover those dark places because once you purge the pain... you will be reborn again! This time your rebirth will align with the beauty you choose to create for yourself and others. You will shine like the day you were born and love yourself during your rebirth process... Much love from my heart to yours..... Comments are closed.
August 2022