There are some people in your life that would travel the globe for you and then there are those that won't even drive a mile for you... There are people in your life that are your soul family... those people in your life that just get you! Those that you share your greatest accomplishments with and your deepest sorrows... There are people that value your every essence of your being... that allow you to be real, imperfect, quirky, goofy, spiritual and can laugh or cry for hours together... happy tears or sad tears and never any judgement... You help each other rise and never let each other fall! You climb the highest mountains and remind each other that it takes one step at a time to reach the top... looking backwards is never an is to flying to the highest elevation and always remain grounded! You can never place a price tag on authenticity... You have those people in your life that help you rise when you are at the lowest points of your life and never leave you to your own demise. You have the kind of people who understand the sadness in your eyes and the silence in your screams! You have the kind of people that will carry you when you forget to breathe... You have some people in your life that will lift one arm and help you lift the other.. I will never forget the people who have truly had my best interest at heart... I will never forget the people who didn't feed me to the wolves.... I will never forget those that wiped the tears from my eyes... I will never forget the people who tried to help me heal wounds.... those are truly people who have an anointing and to them I will always be grateful... While I healed and found me again... they loved every broken pieces that put me where I am today.... free from the past.....
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August 2022