As, you all know I usually have a lot to say about what is going on in the world or I try to post uplifting things for people who are going through life as we call it....
HATE IS HATE and LOVE IS LOVE 1) Father went to prison when I was 6 weeks old; straight 18 years then in and out until I was about 32* he was a killer, a serial murderer; bank robber, biker and the list goes on... I loved my father and I didn't hate my father because I always knew the life that he came from and I poured love and compassion into him for healing... 2) I come from a family lineage of gangster lifestyles through my great grandmother's bar that taught my father how to live a crime filled life... I didn't hate my grandmother... I loved my grandmother because if It weren't for her I would have never existed and have the four beautiful children that I have and i could go on .... 3) My mother was murdered by a man when I was 8 years old... by a man that shot her with a gun. I didn't hate that man... I also knew that something inside of him made him do such an evil act... I forgave that man and spoke to him face to face. I didn't hate him or guns...I hated the evil that overtook him to commit such an act of violence... but this too didn't make me hat men or guns.... I love men and I love that we have men and people in this world that will protect us all from the evil which is to come... I say keep your guns and protect yourself! 4) I grew up without parents WHEN MY MOTHER LEFT AT MY AGE OF 8 and went from home to home until I was about 9 years old and resided with my guardians until I was 16... I left that home because OF things that happened that I would rather not disclose... Did I hate them or that home... No,... That was my home and that was to be part of my journey.... I learned many things and it helped me grow into the woman I am today... 5) I could go on and on about all the bad things that have happened to me in my life, in my family history, abuse and why things didn't go so good for me. I choose to look through the lens of life with love and not hate... Hate will destroy ones' soul and hate is destroying our Nation and the world... Corruption has been around since the beginning of time and pain has existed for each ethnicity throughout history... Family demise has been happening since the the world began... If people want to destroy our Nation I have no empathy for ignorance... I have understanding for people whom educate themselves on all matters... I don't hate people because I was wronged in my childhood ,my life or my ancestors how they were wronged... I love people because love covers a multitude of things... choose love and light... not darkness and wrath... If you have a stirring of hate in your heart from your past or your ancestors past... you will never know what it means to love and heal.... God be with us all... much love from my heart to all of yours... we all have a story and we all have pain don't use it to destroy the house and Nation that was built by all of ethnic groups... Time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Comments are closed.
August 2022