yourWhat is life? Life is love, acceptance, understanding, growth and the expansion within spiritual evolution and enlightenment.. Living is to gradually unite with all truths of light and darkness. When we accept that nobody else can penetrate us with their darkness we become fully illuminated and energetic beings. We are only in control of our own self will and the directions of our existence.! Life is meant to be lived within the spiritual realm of energy and light. The spiritual realm is when you coexist and magnify the beauty of self awareness. We are to be aware at all times engaging in all activities from a place of inner truth. Your truth is who you are deeply in a world of mass confusion. To live and to know yourself you have to cleanse yourself from the world of physical entities that pull you from enlightenment and to embrace the depth of your being. When you can adhere to the understanding that true illumination has always been inside of you... you begin spiritual realization. You must be very careful of the people, places and things that pull you from your true light source. Always lift your vibrations and never deflate your existence because you will never understand your purpose. Your desire and your will to grow is the desire of the soul expanding to its true evolutionary state of existence. Don't exist to just exist.... exist to live and to grow... become fully evolved in the desires that have been instilled within you from the day you traveled to this earth.... Love... don't doubt... know you are here to become what is is you desire... a path of darkness or a path of light.... one ends and one evolves.... much love from my heart to yours....
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August 2022