You are perfect in every area of your life. You may not be perfect for everyone but you are perfectly unique for your calling. You are wonderful and magical in every area of your existence. You are the light and the vibration of your heart and mind. You are everything I am and everything I am not. You are the passion inside and outside of every step you take. You are the yin and the yang: the feminine and the masculine. You are the emotion that runs through your veins and the frequencies in which you engage. You are the love, the light, the dark and truth. You are the muse that walks the earth. You are divine perfectly perfect and perfectly flawed. You are your scars that make you everything you are... Nothing can stop you and nothing will ever break you because your strength is in the physical and the metaphysical. The energy you can't see.... effervescently flows through from you to me. No matter the distance no matter the time... nothing can separate the soul from echoing with the rhythm of the dancing chimes....
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August 2022